GUys, these are some very informative responses, obviously you can see a trend forming that Westsiders at least all natural one's can easily over-train and it seems we are weak at the bottom, which kind of makes sense since Loui says that they mostly train where the bench shirt stops helping.
Powerlifterjay, I did not plan on pausing when I tried my raw max but I went down slow I admit that, however when I took the pussy ass bullshit weak 315 I took it down fast and popped it up fast so you may be right about that as far as moving fast on a raw max with no shirt. One thing I noticed is after the completion of the mini cycle my chest is sore today , my pecs that it, they have not been sore throughout my Westside training, everything else gets sore bu tnot my chest, I think what happened is I completely neglected my chest by taking all lifts close grip for triceps , my next mini cycle will look exactly like your solidj I MUST MUST MUST incorporate lower board work like 2 board press, I always did 4 and sometimes 3 board. Also illegal wides too, and I may even start doing my speed day with competition grip, many may disagree but when I tried my raw max and took my comfortable competition grip it felt wierd and different because my entire mini cycle consisted of close grip work which well thats what Westside training is close grip work for tri's. So when I took a normal grip I was not comfortable and also like I said when I look back on my mini cycle almost no work was done for the lower portion of the bench, now with a shirt I'm sure thats no biggie but raw it matters. After hearing everyone respond and studying my problem I realize I have to attack the lower portion of the bench, as my tri's and lockout strength is going very well.