Would this need to be cycled or could it be just used the day of a race for the endurance benefits?
I would take all natty supps for the next few weeks and work your butt off. Then I’d start a mega cycle in mid February. But we're going to put this together for you comprehensively. If you want a carb-loading technique, I can do this for you as well. If you want to do this, just PM me.
Ostarine: 25 mgs per day 8 weeks
GW-501561: 20 mgs per day 8 weeks
Test proponate for 8 weeks at 150-200 mgs per week (roughly 50mg eod)
Liqui-Albut: Start 2 weeks before the race in march and 2 weeks before april race. I’ve heard of bros going to 16 mgs per day; your choice. I’d run it: 5 days: 4mg, 5 days: 8, last 4 days: 12.
Now for your on-cycle support:
N2 Guard: 7 caps every day. Fortunately for you, the n2 guard has some tuarine and excellent liver support properties. Clenbuterol is rough on the liver; albuterol is also, though it’s not nearly as intense (clen is asthma medication for horses, albuterol is for humans).
Liquidex AI: Some bros are using conservative dosages of this (1mL 2X daily) while others are aggressive with 2mL 2x daily. I think with your anabolics being so low, you can get away with the former. Timing is everything. You're in luck because n2bm has dex on sale in a buy 2 get 1 deal right now.
For your PCT*:
HCGenerate for weeks 9-12.
*You can extend your GW cycle for another 4 weeks to help keep the endurance and muscle gains you achieve.
**I did not include dosages regarding primo bro. For that I'd contact somebody who's done it before like Dylan. I could be wrong but I think he's a pretty big fan

One more thing brother. I'd appreciate it if you let us know how this stack is going for you. If you want, start a log with us and keep us informed of your times.