Quote posted by EarthRider
lol, i hope this doesn't piss you off. but can you tell me when you eat your meals during IF. like if your feeding time is between 12 pm and 8 pm, how many meals would you fit in there?
So I want to eat 2600 cals a day to lose weight and keep muscle. i'd like to do the IF and have been doing it.
I don't have a specific meal plan, I just make sure I get in my planned macros.
Here's an example of what I had yesterday:
1. pre+intra workout (make sure you space that throughout your workout - slamming 20g of free aminos will not give you any benefit. Those are digested super quickly and you will want a continous intake of tiny quantities. This can aid in sparing muscle mass when you train fasted. It's all about finding just the right amount - enough for your body to spare it's own aminos but not enough for them to elevate insulin significantly as they are very glucogenic)
- 10g BCAA
- 10g leucine
2. post workout
- 2 lbs grilled chicken breast
- 6oz white rice
- lots of veggies
in the PWO you will want to avoid fatty stuff as this will slow down digestion and you will not get the 100% anabolic benefit of the protein and carbs. Keep it high in carbs and protein, you will need lots of both no matter what your goal. The carbs serve as your "slin shot" to shuttle that protein into your muscles. Remember that insulin is the single most anabolic hormone in the body and the only way to elevate it significantly is by eating lots of carbohydrates. Also you will want to avoid fructose in that meal, so keep your fruit for later. If you're having a hard time getting enough "solid" protein down (I often do) you can have a whey protein shake with that meal
3. Second meal
- 2lbs nonfat curd cheese
- 3lbs lowfat plain yogurt
- 50g whey protein
- 6oz rolled oats
- 1tbsp macadamia nut oil
- 10g omega 3 fish oil
4. Pre-bed meal
- 80g casein protein
- 2 bananas
- 2tbsp macadamia nut oil
- 10g omega 3 fish oil