Hello there
I had great results, all clear, I'm very fortunate after the years of absuse to my poor wee liver, but I'm trying to make up for it now.
I had an amazing workout, I was even almost sick at the end, I know that sounds dodgy but it makes me think I must have trained hard, mind u it could also be all the stimulates racing around my system
4x15 each leg reverse lunges with 110 pounds
Incline barbell chest press
4x15 35 pounds
Split squats
4 x 10 each leg 110 pounds
Underhand barbell rows supersetted with calve raises on leg press
4x12 60 pounds and 4x12 don't know the calve weight
Dumbell shoulder press
4x12 30 pound weight
Underhand Lat pulldown
4x10 100 pounds
25 Min
HIIT treadmill
6 jog, 10 sprint
20 Min stairmaster level 7
Very finished
Protein shake with rassberries
Meal 3
Chicken and chopped up salad stuff
Meal 4
Homemade protein and oat bars
And thank u Sassy for your words and encoragement, it means a lot to have support, I love this board, its great fun, even if I talk to myselfs sometimes too, I mean don't we all, we do dont' we ??
Off to ride my ponies now, peppermint bot and all, I'll have to tell Anafit how it works with riding ;0
I'm not sure if I'm bulking or cutting, I'm useless, I was bulking but now I think I'm cutting, I put on 10 pounds eeek, but it does look like I have a bottom now, not just a flat flabby pancake. My boyfriend is back from his adventures tonight so I'll do photos in the morning and find some courage and post them, and then people can tell me what to do, I mean I know I have fat,and if I can do both together then fab, if not well bikini season soon so maybe not bulking anymore.