I'm getting ready to start a new cycle, all of the details are categorized below. I'm getting blood work tomorrow and will post findings on that. Plan is to track my entire 16 week cycle (through PCT) on here. I'll get pics up before my first injection. I have a few questions below in red. I'm sure I'll have some more for the experts as I progress. Feel free to chime in and give me any advice you have, I welcome any criticism or feedback.
I'm 30 years old, 5' 11", 205lbs and about 12% body fat. I was 280lbs three years ago though so I feel really good with my progress. I got all the way down to 185, ran a marathon, and realized I didn't want to look like a dying HIV patient (as my first trainer put it ;o), so I stopped the distance running and started lifting.
My plan is to start with intensity and medium/heavy weight and eventually see how that goes. I tend to move quick and do 4-5 exercises at one time, breaking a crazy sweat before the first setup is done all the way around. Last time around I lost some wind when the tren kicked in and had to slow down at times but when that happens I plan to just step it up and go HEAVY while slowing down a little. My split will be Biceps/Shoulders on Monday, Legs/Back on Wednesday, and Chest/Triceps Friday. I may change this up after a month or so because I often get board and do that. I'll probably change up the workout split and add a fourth day eventually.
I've been hitting it HARD for the last three years. In the gym three times a week minimum, sometimes more like six days a week depending on my workout. I would consider my self well versed on the actual workout front. I attended a really great cross fit gym for the fist year I worked out which taught me a lot. I'm going to mix up my workout while going through this cycle.
About to start fourth cycle here, second one with tren. Last time I had an issue with what I think was progesterone related Gyno so I got off and got it under control with Caber, got back on tren, and finished cycle fine. Last cycle was TestP/TrenA/Mast/Clen+T3. Doses were a little lower on test and tren than I'm going with this time and I injected EOD last time, going to try ED this go.
My primary goal is to lean up. I can see my abs wanting to bust out and I want to see them this summer! I want to see 8% body fat or less. At the same time I got STRONG as hell with the last cycle I did and I'd like to see my strength go up again. I feel like I kept almost all of my size last cycle and most of the strength which was great! Diet was clean on cycle and for the next 12 weeks after which really helped. I kept eating like a BEAST too which caused me to chunk up a little more than I would have liked.
Wk 1-12 - TestP 60mg ED
Wk 3-10 - TrenA 40mg ED
Wk 4-11 - Mast 50mg ED
Wk 3-10 - Aromasin 20mgs ED
Wk 3-10 - T3 25mcg ED
Wk 3-12 - Caber .05mg E3D
Wk 3-12 HCG - 250iu 2 x a week
Wk 6-12 HCGenerate 3 caps AM and 2 caps PM
Armidex on hand (would you use Armidex instead of Aromasin)?
Letro on hand as well
Wk 12-16 Clomid 50mg ED (Would you stay at 50mg here?)
Wk 12-16 forma stan 5 pumps am/pm
Wk 12-14 post cycle/Unleashed 2 caps am/pm
Diet will be clean as possible.
6am - 9 egg white 2 yoke - 1 cup oat meal
7am - workout
9am - Whey protien shake (50G protein, 50G dextrose, BCAAs, BetaA, creatine)
12pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.), 3 oz beans or maybe brown rice
3pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.), 3 oz beans or maybe brown rice
6pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
9pm - Casine shake with a couple hand fulls of spinach, 1tbls of peanut butter, 1/2 small bananna
6am - Whey shake (40G protein) with a couple hand fulls of spinach, 1tbls of peanut butter, 1/2 small bananna
9am - 9 egg white 2 yoke - 1 cup oat meal
12pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
3pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
6pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
I'm 30 years old, 5' 11", 205lbs and about 12% body fat. I was 280lbs three years ago though so I feel really good with my progress. I got all the way down to 185, ran a marathon, and realized I didn't want to look like a dying HIV patient (as my first trainer put it ;o), so I stopped the distance running and started lifting.
My plan is to start with intensity and medium/heavy weight and eventually see how that goes. I tend to move quick and do 4-5 exercises at one time, breaking a crazy sweat before the first setup is done all the way around. Last time around I lost some wind when the tren kicked in and had to slow down at times but when that happens I plan to just step it up and go HEAVY while slowing down a little. My split will be Biceps/Shoulders on Monday, Legs/Back on Wednesday, and Chest/Triceps Friday. I may change this up after a month or so because I often get board and do that. I'll probably change up the workout split and add a fourth day eventually.
I've been hitting it HARD for the last three years. In the gym three times a week minimum, sometimes more like six days a week depending on my workout. I would consider my self well versed on the actual workout front. I attended a really great cross fit gym for the fist year I worked out which taught me a lot. I'm going to mix up my workout while going through this cycle.
About to start fourth cycle here, second one with tren. Last time I had an issue with what I think was progesterone related Gyno so I got off and got it under control with Caber, got back on tren, and finished cycle fine. Last cycle was TestP/TrenA/Mast/Clen+T3. Doses were a little lower on test and tren than I'm going with this time and I injected EOD last time, going to try ED this go.
My primary goal is to lean up. I can see my abs wanting to bust out and I want to see them this summer! I want to see 8% body fat or less. At the same time I got STRONG as hell with the last cycle I did and I'd like to see my strength go up again. I feel like I kept almost all of my size last cycle and most of the strength which was great! Diet was clean on cycle and for the next 12 weeks after which really helped. I kept eating like a BEAST too which caused me to chunk up a little more than I would have liked.
Wk 1-12 - TestP 60mg ED
Wk 3-10 - TrenA 40mg ED
Wk 4-11 - Mast 50mg ED
Wk 3-10 - Aromasin 20mgs ED
Wk 3-10 - T3 25mcg ED
Wk 3-12 - Caber .05mg E3D
Wk 3-12 HCG - 250iu 2 x a week
Wk 6-12 HCGenerate 3 caps AM and 2 caps PM
Armidex on hand (would you use Armidex instead of Aromasin)?
Letro on hand as well
Wk 12-16 Clomid 50mg ED (Would you stay at 50mg here?)
Wk 12-16 forma stan 5 pumps am/pm
Wk 12-14 post cycle/Unleashed 2 caps am/pm
Diet will be clean as possible.
6am - 9 egg white 2 yoke - 1 cup oat meal
7am - workout
9am - Whey protien shake (50G protein, 50G dextrose, BCAAs, BetaA, creatine)
12pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.), 3 oz beans or maybe brown rice
3pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.), 3 oz beans or maybe brown rice
6pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
9pm - Casine shake with a couple hand fulls of spinach, 1tbls of peanut butter, 1/2 small bananna
6am - Whey shake (40G protein) with a couple hand fulls of spinach, 1tbls of peanut butter, 1/2 small bananna
9am - 9 egg white 2 yoke - 1 cup oat meal
12pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
3pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
6pm - 5oz lean meat (chicken, fish, shrimp, lean steak, etc. ), 3.5oz dark green veggie (asparagus, broccoli, spinach, green beans, etc.)
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