Nice articles, I'm especially interested in GW-501516 with the tren and MK-2866 during pct. I see how LGD-4033 and S4 would be beneficial, but I'm on a budget here. I'm also going to get some N2Guard, read a bunch about it and seems a way better option.
I had PCT planned out as you suggested, added the Ostarine though. I wanted to do the PCT kickstart with HCG after watching some videos on your youtube channel, one of Liquid Muscle's vids.
I've been considering Equipoise for my cycle before, it sounds really interesting. However adding another compound to my cycle for 16 weeks is going to be too expensive. If I cut the cycle by 2 weeks, and edit out the parts I can't fit in (Eq, S4, LGD-4033) it still looks like a good cycle to me?
I haven't tried Tren E before, but people seem confinced that A provides more dramatic results. I honestly don't mind pinning ED. Do you prefer E? Why? Also, what dose would you suggest for E / A?
I had PCT planned out as you suggested, added the Ostarine though. I wanted to do the PCT kickstart with HCG after watching some videos on your youtube channel, one of Liquid Muscle's vids.
I've been considering Equipoise for my cycle before, it sounds really interesting. However adding another compound to my cycle for 16 weeks is going to be too expensive. If I cut the cycle by 2 weeks, and edit out the parts I can't fit in (Eq, S4, LGD-4033) it still looks like a good cycle to me?
I haven't tried Tren E before, but people seem confinced that A provides more dramatic results. I honestly don't mind pinning ED. Do you prefer E? Why? Also, what dose would you suggest for E / A?