I realise you know your shit and im glad yoy took your time to help me out.
No worries, its all good.
A word of caution on the ascorbic acid. For some it can cause stomach upset and diarhea sp you may want to start at like 3g per day and work up to 6g per day over the course of a week or so. Otherwise hit it hard and just know that if you get an upset tummy you may need to build the dose up over time.
Some interesting studies have shown that the more in need of ascorbic acid one is, the more they are able to tolerate without stomach upset.
Before I stumbled on this for healing I got little benefit from TB-500 myself. When I started the above therapy myself I had been suffering from a nagging shoulder injury that hardly improved over a 5 week period (maybe a 20% improvement over the 5 weeks). Within 4 days of starting my shoulder was at a good 90%.