"Drink you'r creatine\dextrose imediately after your workout"
What a piece of BULL!
Unless you workout without taking any carbs, that wont do nothing, because:
When you hit them weights hard, you wanna drink lots of carbs, and when your done lifting, you are full of carbs cause you need them to work out.
This means that you wont load any creatine (of course you will load some, but not a lot.)
So, do this, either mix it into your sport drink and sip on it during your workout, drink it after your low carb cardio, or drink in first think in the morning before breakfast.
Whaddaya think? Sounds reasonable doesent it? I know for sure that i wouldnt never go trough a workout without being 100% sure i got enuff carb, which blows the post workout carb loading theory.