Haven't forgotten to post it all. I left my log in my car at MY place... again.

I'll go get it later.
I had great lifts on Thursday as I said the other post. I had 3 PRs on 4 of the moves. Today I did week 2 of "20 rep sets" for lower body -- killed it. Broke all my weights from last week (6 moves! Higher weights in all, got in all 20 reps on ALL moves) and just felt great. Did 60 minutes of a cardio circuit after that.
I swear, I don't know how I do it some days... but the gym sure does feel like home.
When I DID get home, I found a nasty, horrific voicemail from my mother, 3 minutes long. Said horrible things about me and to me, called me names. It was bad.
Well lucky for her, I had just finished a 3 hour gym session and hadn't eaten yet. So my blood was pumpin' and I was in a fighting mood.
I finally... FINALLY... let her have it.

I sent her this sharp, sarcastic, mean email. Just terrible... I wrote it and re-read it like 3 times. I kept saving it and thinking, "I should save it and read it tomorrow and then see if I still want to send it." But the fact of the matter is... she's hurt me long enough.
I am TIRED of it. I am BETTER than her. I am WORTH fighting for myself and sticking up for myself, dammit, and I wasn't about to let her do this to me anymore.
I didn't beat around the bush; I didn't assure her that she was the greatest parent on Earth; I didn't ease her conscience. I just let her have it.
I'm telling you... that was really hard to do. But it was time; my counselor told me last year that eventually I'd come to a point where she doesn't control me, that I'll be stronger than her. Ulter used to tell me the same thing.
Today is the day. I beat the system; I fought her and I don't really care what she says back because I believe enough in myself now to laugh at her in her face and say, "Yeah -- whatever."