Thanks for the vibes and recovery encouragement.
I have to say it's hard for me to read Elite threads right now as I'm looking at my stomach going "Ugggghhhh... the bloating!" I was even sitting at lunch today, hesitant with my usual Chicken Fajitas because I am so out of it in terms of "Do I watch what I eat... or no?"
Anyway, I ate what I usually do, went to the grocery store, and by the time I got home, I was aching and needed a nap.
Today is Day 5, Friday. I had my breast aug on Monday and the last few days have been alright.
Monday night -- I spent most of the night in bed or just watching tv. I was really tired, but I managed to call a few people and let them know how good I was feeling. I pretty much remember everything too.
Meds + frozen peas + sleep made everything better.
Tuesday -- Woke up and couldn't believe the difference in my arms. I wanted SO BADLY just to be able to move my elbows away from my body, and I knew I could do it by now... but Ulter still made me get help for everything. I called my sister in law who is having this done in a few weeks, and she was thrilled to hear that I was feeling so good and was surprised it was only the next day. More sleeping and bumming around; I think Ulter took me to Panera for lunch that day, so I wouldn't feel so trapped. It was great to get out.
Wednesday -- Mobility in my arms is back and I was starting to get cocky.
My girlfriends from work came to see me that afternoon and brought me a carebasket with water and some almonds and fashion magazines -- and a Hooters t-shirt.
The three of us and Ulter went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen (I ordered a thin crust chicken and mushroom pizza and gave away one slice because I thought it was too big of a pizza for me). That felt great to be out. We had started weaning me off the meds... but I was getting achy and didn't quite understand why.
Thursday -- They're FALLING. Ok, there must be a shift today because my left pec is more sore than usual today. Started the massage of the muscle but it feels like it's getting tighter... again, more sleep and more meds. Getting a little stircrazy... BUT...
For Thanksgiving, Ulter took me to the California Grille at the Disney World Contemporary Resort. It's the #1 restaurant at Disney and we lucked out and got a reservation cancellation at the last minute. We had a window view that saw the water and the Magic Kingdom -- it was GREAT food (even if I did have to go wearing a hoodie and cotton pants... I felt so frumpy).
Friday -- today. See the comments earlier about a trip to the grocery store and lunch making me exhausted. I feel so bored but don't have the energy to change anything. Just sitting around makes me feel tired and sleepy and fat... so part of me wants to read Elite and part of me is starting to feel so out of shape like I'll never catch up.
It's amazing how just a few days off can really do a number on my self-image. I know I'm bloating from the stress hormones of surgery and all the water I'm holding... why I just can't realize that and relax, I don't know.
I hope you all are doing well.