Yeah my buddy is actually a competitor here in Pittsburgh and has won a few shows. We have trained together in the past and lets just say I thought I was tough shit when I hit 315 for 17 reps on bench and called him out, he walks over gets to 17 blows me a kiss and does 10 more no sweat... Anyways at the time he was running drol, var, hgh, eq, Igf, dbol, and cheque drops pre contest. No idea the doseages but when I said I had a 50 of test E for the summer he indicated he could blow through one of those in under 2 weeks. My man was strong to begin with but now he's out of this world, he doesnt do any traditional lifting anymore, eats all carbs, and weighs close to 4hund. The last I heard he did that log lift press 363lbs. (which is about his bodyweight) for 13 or so... Oh and he eats a loaf of bread and 3 dozen eggs a day aside form other things. You will hear his name soon bro I promise!