New member
my stats
height: 5 9/10
weight: 96
bf: 16-18 last month (measuring it again on saturday) but should be 14-15 by now.
have been training seriously for 5 ish years.
diet is pretty good will clean it up to be spot on for the duration
im just about to embark on my first cycle and cannot wait. how ever a few questions have been popping up in my head not necessarily regarding the actual running of the gear but all the other shite that surrounds it, training diet and mental health (or lack there of)
so where do i start.......
i suppose it should be with the plan for the next 12 weeks. so gonna be running just strait up test e at 300 mg (yes i could go higher and throw in some orals and what not but for me small steps is good, as fun as being the actual hulk would be) for pct which will start 10 days after last pin, i will run hcg 1000iu each day 14 days,then 50 mg clomid and 20 mg nol va 4 weeks
The first problem that i had is looking at the arimidex tabs they are small as fuck, trying to split those bad boys into quarters is gonna be a pain in the ass. Any suggestions, could i take a whole tab every 6 days or will that mess with levels in my blood too much? or should i just man up and get these sausage fingers to work?
This brings me on to the next thing !!!DIET!!!!
probably the hardest part of training in general. Currently im eating about 2200 cals which came down over the past few months from around 3000. with the test im using its supposed to kick in around week 4-6 so slowly bringing the calories up is a given, rather than just jumping in to my target amount which will roughly be 4000 with a 40 p -40 c -20 f split. this is simply a guide line i will adjust as i go depending on how i react because my body is a bit of a retard at using carbs properly. keeping fat at 20 percent to try keep cholesterol in check. its fairly easy when on because MPS is at a high and im assuming that pretty much any fuel that you put in will be used to grow, how ever when it comes to pct i suppose diet is the thing that can keep or loose dem gainz.
Assuming that the rate at which nutrients are utilized slowly drops off as the levels of test drop, should i start to drop cals after the second week of pct? i would probably look to drop about 100 cals a week over pct period (12 weeks) and reasses the diet situation from there.
when it comes to types of carbs to eat with out taking insulin or metformin what would be best a higher or lower glycemic load. or does it not matter just stick to what your body can handle?
any other pct diet tips welcome.
Are the OTC PCT products like milk thistle and that really worth it? or are they just ways of extracting yet more money from gym addicts?
So the bit that counts. bumpin weight in the gym, fuuuuccckk yeeeeaaaahhhh.
Have been reading a few articles on what to do whilst training on hulk juice, and some say like 4 ex per muscle group with 5 sets and to occasionally throw in a drop set here and there. surely as youve just shot your self in the ass with supermans jizz your ability to be superhuman goes through the roof so is 5 sets enough? even if you vary intensity through chanigng the weight. so the following is what ive been toying with:
full 7 days no rest just a slightly less intense work out on a Sunday being arms abs calves and cardio.
heavier sets
Monday: push- Im not a big bencher, yes its one of the alpha lifts but ive got messed up shoulders and prefer having a slightly neutral grip using dumbells than being locked into that slight internally rotated bar position.
(shoulder warm up)
flat db bench 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
db shoulder press 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
decline bench 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
military press 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
skull crusher 15/7
tri pull downs 20/5
french press 15/7
Tuesday: pull
pull ups 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
reverse flies 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
underhand grip BOR 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
face pulls 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
bar curl 15/7
rotation curls 20/3
hammer 15/7
Wednesday legs:
(mobility work)
deads 10/10
lunges 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
seated leg curl 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
front squats 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
hip thrusts 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
calves 20/6
lighter pump work
Thursday: push
(shoulder warm up)
lateral raises 15 (im aware this is a pulling movement)/ over head press 8/ 7
cable flies 15/ dips 8/7
behind neck press 4 drop set x4
incline bench pyramid x3
french press 12/5
straight bar push down 15/7
Friday: pull
push downs 15/ lat pull downs 8/7
hi to low face pulls 15/ upright row 15/7
t bar 4 drop set x4
single arm reverse fly pyramid
preacher 12/5
incline bench curl 15/7
Saturday legs: quad dominant
(mobility work)
leg ext with slight ext rotation at top 15/7
squat 10/10
stiff leg dl 15/7
laying leg curl 10/10
legpress toes together/ feetpointing foward/wide toes out 12/4
Sunday: abs arms calves cardio traps
bar curl 21s x4
v bar push down 15/7
db curl/ reverse curl 12/5
single arm over head tricep 12/5
standing calf raise 20/18/16/14/12/10/8/8/8/20
shrugs 20/ dumbell upright row 15/5
On paper all this is great and obviously achievable, how ever once your in the gym things always change or you may not be feeling it. What i can say is this is what im aiming for, usually with out anabolics my volume is up there so i recon i can deal with it. after 6 weeks i will switch up the plan a little depending on how things are growing.
but this leads me on to my next question is this too much? or should i be going for less is more approach?
for training on pct i cant actually answer that question yet as i am not sure, have twelve weeks to do that research but again it depends on how things turn out i suppose and how my energy levels are afterwards.
ill try and keep this updated all the way through but at least once a week first pin sunday. thanks for reading all my waffle any help would be great, would there be any thing you guys add in or change?
height: 5 9/10
weight: 96
bf: 16-18 last month (measuring it again on saturday) but should be 14-15 by now.
have been training seriously for 5 ish years.
diet is pretty good will clean it up to be spot on for the duration
im just about to embark on my first cycle and cannot wait. how ever a few questions have been popping up in my head not necessarily regarding the actual running of the gear but all the other shite that surrounds it, training diet and mental health (or lack there of)
so where do i start.......
i suppose it should be with the plan for the next 12 weeks. so gonna be running just strait up test e at 300 mg (yes i could go higher and throw in some orals and what not but for me small steps is good, as fun as being the actual hulk would be) for pct which will start 10 days after last pin, i will run hcg 1000iu each day 14 days,then 50 mg clomid and 20 mg nol va 4 weeks
The first problem that i had is looking at the arimidex tabs they are small as fuck, trying to split those bad boys into quarters is gonna be a pain in the ass. Any suggestions, could i take a whole tab every 6 days or will that mess with levels in my blood too much? or should i just man up and get these sausage fingers to work?
This brings me on to the next thing !!!DIET!!!!
probably the hardest part of training in general. Currently im eating about 2200 cals which came down over the past few months from around 3000. with the test im using its supposed to kick in around week 4-6 so slowly bringing the calories up is a given, rather than just jumping in to my target amount which will roughly be 4000 with a 40 p -40 c -20 f split. this is simply a guide line i will adjust as i go depending on how i react because my body is a bit of a retard at using carbs properly. keeping fat at 20 percent to try keep cholesterol in check. its fairly easy when on because MPS is at a high and im assuming that pretty much any fuel that you put in will be used to grow, how ever when it comes to pct i suppose diet is the thing that can keep or loose dem gainz.
Assuming that the rate at which nutrients are utilized slowly drops off as the levels of test drop, should i start to drop cals after the second week of pct? i would probably look to drop about 100 cals a week over pct period (12 weeks) and reasses the diet situation from there.
when it comes to types of carbs to eat with out taking insulin or metformin what would be best a higher or lower glycemic load. or does it not matter just stick to what your body can handle?
any other pct diet tips welcome.
Are the OTC PCT products like milk thistle and that really worth it? or are they just ways of extracting yet more money from gym addicts?
So the bit that counts. bumpin weight in the gym, fuuuuccckk yeeeeaaaahhhh.

Have been reading a few articles on what to do whilst training on hulk juice, and some say like 4 ex per muscle group with 5 sets and to occasionally throw in a drop set here and there. surely as youve just shot your self in the ass with supermans jizz your ability to be superhuman goes through the roof so is 5 sets enough? even if you vary intensity through chanigng the weight. so the following is what ive been toying with:
full 7 days no rest just a slightly less intense work out on a Sunday being arms abs calves and cardio.
heavier sets
Monday: push- Im not a big bencher, yes its one of the alpha lifts but ive got messed up shoulders and prefer having a slightly neutral grip using dumbells than being locked into that slight internally rotated bar position.
(shoulder warm up)
flat db bench 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
db shoulder press 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
decline bench 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
military press 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
skull crusher 15/7
tri pull downs 20/5
french press 15/7
Tuesday: pull
pull ups 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
reverse flies 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
underhand grip BOR 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
face pulls 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
bar curl 15/7
rotation curls 20/3
hammer 15/7
Wednesday legs:
(mobility work)
deads 10/10
lunges 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
seated leg curl 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
front squats 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
hip thrusts 8-10r/ 6-8 sets
calves 20/6
lighter pump work
Thursday: push
(shoulder warm up)
lateral raises 15 (im aware this is a pulling movement)/ over head press 8/ 7
cable flies 15/ dips 8/7
behind neck press 4 drop set x4
incline bench pyramid x3
french press 12/5
straight bar push down 15/7
Friday: pull
push downs 15/ lat pull downs 8/7
hi to low face pulls 15/ upright row 15/7
t bar 4 drop set x4
single arm reverse fly pyramid
preacher 12/5
incline bench curl 15/7
Saturday legs: quad dominant
(mobility work)
leg ext with slight ext rotation at top 15/7
squat 10/10
stiff leg dl 15/7
laying leg curl 10/10
legpress toes together/ feetpointing foward/wide toes out 12/4
Sunday: abs arms calves cardio traps
bar curl 21s x4
v bar push down 15/7
db curl/ reverse curl 12/5
single arm over head tricep 12/5
standing calf raise 20/18/16/14/12/10/8/8/8/20
shrugs 20/ dumbell upright row 15/5
On paper all this is great and obviously achievable, how ever once your in the gym things always change or you may not be feeling it. What i can say is this is what im aiming for, usually with out anabolics my volume is up there so i recon i can deal with it. after 6 weeks i will switch up the plan a little depending on how things are growing.
but this leads me on to my next question is this too much? or should i be going for less is more approach?
for training on pct i cant actually answer that question yet as i am not sure, have twelve weeks to do that research but again it depends on how things turn out i suppose and how my energy levels are afterwards.
ill try and keep this updated all the way through but at least once a week first pin sunday. thanks for reading all my waffle any help would be great, would there be any thing you guys add in or change?