Interesting thread, man. I hope you're able to continue with the program. If you can get through it, you'll definitely see the huge results you're looking for. Just wait until you drop the volume down. You'll explode 
The one concern I have is how much food you're taking in. It really isn't enough to support twice a day workouts. I know you're trying to drop a little flab. But think about this.... like you said, lifting twice a day is going to jak your metabolism up like crazy. You're muscles will be adapting to the loads of volume. Your joints are going to take a beating. I think you need more food to keep your strength up and help you recover. Mainly the second. Because if you're taking in 2000 calories per day and you aren't able to recover, then you aren't going to be able to go through with the rest of the program after a week or two.
It's up to you, but my feelings are that if you were to "eat big clean" you would be able to get your body all the nutrient's your body needs to recover while also slimming down a good amount just from all the volume.
Good luck.

The one concern I have is how much food you're taking in. It really isn't enough to support twice a day workouts. I know you're trying to drop a little flab. But think about this.... like you said, lifting twice a day is going to jak your metabolism up like crazy. You're muscles will be adapting to the loads of volume. Your joints are going to take a beating. I think you need more food to keep your strength up and help you recover. Mainly the second. Because if you're taking in 2000 calories per day and you aren't able to recover, then you aren't going to be able to go through with the rest of the program after a week or two.
It's up to you, but my feelings are that if you were to "eat big clean" you would be able to get your body all the nutrient's your body needs to recover while also slimming down a good amount just from all the volume.
Good luck.