endpoint New member Jun 15, 2003 #1 Since i cant afford pro massage at the moment, i think its in my best interest to massage myself......namely my legs. anyone have advice of tips. I am scouring the internet for good info. or should i just go by feel?
Since i cant afford pro massage at the moment, i think its in my best interest to massage myself......namely my legs. anyone have advice of tips. I am scouring the internet for good info. or should i just go by feel?
P PolishHammer1977 New member Jun 15, 2003 #5 I often cannot make it to a masseuse so I use the self massage technique. Go along the grain of the muscles and you will be good. The trick is being able to stay still while gong deep into your own tissue lol
I often cannot make it to a masseuse so I use the self massage technique. Go along the grain of the muscles and you will be good. The trick is being able to stay still while gong deep into your own tissue lol
C collegiateLifter New member Jun 15, 2003 #6 i am reading through Sports Restoration and Massage right now
endpoint New member Jun 15, 2003 #7 In the book do they suggest amount of time spent on a muscle, and how hard do i push? How often do they suggest?
In the book do they suggest amount of time spent on a muscle, and how hard do i push? How often do they suggest?
endpoint New member Jun 15, 2003 #9 CoolColJ said: 5 finger shuffle... Click to expand... can you demonstrate? send me a mpg. while im here: ccj check dis out http://pub208.ezboard.com/fbulkandpower48873frm41 its only new but it could be good
CoolColJ said: 5 finger shuffle... Click to expand... can you demonstrate? send me a mpg. while im here: ccj check dis out http://pub208.ezboard.com/fbulkandpower48873frm41 its only new but it could be good
casualbb Plat Hero Platinum Jun 15, 2003 #10 foam roll Click to expand... That's exactly what I was gonna say