$.02T-Cake said:Thanks for the descriptions of the vacs -- that helps a lot. Do y'all see results from those? I think I feel like I'd do it and feel too silly to be persistant about it. How do you do them -- standing or lying down or sitting? On a boat with a goat? In the house with a mouse? (Sorry, I couldn't resist! )
You can to the standing, sitting or on all fours. Here is a link for a kneeling view...
You'll get to the point where you are there for you and don't care what anyone else thinks about what you are doing. You are ultimately not there to impress any of them, remember that.
If you want to do it at home away from everyone until you feel comfortable or to the point you just don't care, go for it
Ha that's funny about the mama T... I do that all the time