Well, since we all share everything here, first, this morning was 140.5 lb. Soooo close!
Last nite at about 2:15 am the colon cleanse kicked in. For an hour. Felt like someone punched my in stomach, followed by a 10 min calf cramp. Having lost an hour of sleep from my already precious few hours, I slept in an extra hour this morning, got up to the gym at 6:30 am, trained for like 15 min & did the 1 hr of lunge cardio on the treadmill. Blah.
I know! I have no idea how big or small this show is or what the competition looks like. I think I'll be registering to compete in both the Women's Open (probably middle-weight) and Women's Masters (35+). I'm about 85% comfortable with my mandatories. My rear lat spread needs some work, not sure about what they are doign w/ a front lat spread, and the rest I just need to practice. My routine however, shit I still need to get my music recut and work on that.
I know! I have no idea how big or small this show is or what the competition looks like. I think I'll be registering to compete in both the Women's Open (probably middle-weight) and Women's Masters (35+). I'm about 85% comfortable with my mandatories. My rear lat spread needs some work, not sure about what they are doign w/ a front lat spread, and the rest I just need to practice. My routine however, shit I still need to get my music recut and work on that.
I not comfortable with my posing yet either, apparently I've been practicing all wrong for the last while, and found out the right way this past weekend. I freakin look like a robot, I got to get it smooth, well it was better this morning, yesterday is was just terrible.