OH its NOT that I haven't posted it LOL its that we haven't done it lately I been getting up at 5:30 a.m. and the scale is in T's room and I'm not wakin her just to weigh in... and body fat well we weren't around each other to pinch this weekend, although I was just told at the gym that it must have dropped again because my shoulders and back have more cuts/definition So thats all I can update you with so far!
Not a whole lot new... can you say T-I-R-E-D I am sure you know the feeling
need to pick your brain about makeup/colors etc... going to stock up at sephoria sugar daddy comes through town... lol (ok thats a joke for those that think im SERIOUS) ..
{{Bunny}} You look GREAT!! It's almost time, you must be so excited/nervous! You are gonna rock that stage. Wish I could see
Miss you! Hope your doing well.