first i would like to say that today i was looking at max-ot homepage and thier principles and workout and i find it to look really good and agree with around 95% of what they say and will probably try it within a year, though what do u guys think about their though of not doing any drop sets, or any forced reps or other training like this, and also not to do a set without a 2-3 minute rest period to insure that all lactic acid bulidup has depleted, i always though that when used in moderatinon you can use the lactic acid buildup and shorten rest time b/c lactic acid shuts down some muscle fibres, thus you will be able to perform less reps, however with the shut down of some muscle fibers you will use the ones that have not been used less thus leading to being able to stress all muscle fibers which is a good thing. what do u guys think?