Hey guys, I started a CKD about 3 weeks ago, and, Lo and Behold, my progress has already grinded to a halt, and it seems I'm starting to hold on to a lot of fat after my carb-ups, but not because the carb-ups are too unstructured..i got by the book and only do 24 hours. I think my problem is that I've been dieting since about February, and started this diet around 2400 cals, which is kinda low for me (i'm 184 right now, started at 190). I think my metabolism is basically all fucked up from the extended dieting, and I'd like to post pone the CKD for awhile to try and boost my BMR. My question is, what's the best way to go about this when coming off a CKD? I know i need to raise calories a little at a time, but I don't wanna gain a ton of fat from eating carbs again. Also, should i start the new diet i wanna do right after my carb-up this weekend, or should i just avoid the carb-up and just go into my 40/30/30 diet to raise the Metab.? I'm sick of trying to diet, and then having my progress stall after a couple of weeks due to my calories being restricted too much. I've found that my body needs more than 12 or 13 X my bodyweight, and i don't know why i keep lowering them when i know it won't work. Maybe this time I'll learn. Anyways, any help would be much appreciated! I just wanna get the old thyroid humming along again, or else i might be forced to use T3 and gear! heaven forbid! haha. thx.
P.s. One more thing, I've been having all the little symptoms of Hypothyroidism, too. Feeling cold, low body temp, eye twitches, feeling tired...so i'm thinking about going to the doc and getting my blood levels tested, just to be safe
P.s. One more thing, I've been having all the little symptoms of Hypothyroidism, too. Feeling cold, low body temp, eye twitches, feeling tired...so i'm thinking about going to the doc and getting my blood levels tested, just to be safe
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