yes it is a bad idea, why eat rice lol?
that shit is pure sugar (or the equivalent of biologically)
No fiber no nothing, just starch.
Better to enjoy your carbs and have a Dr. Pepper with your salmon, same difference.
Rice is low fat but high carb. And as we all should know by now that it isnt just fat that makes you fat, in fact, it is the insulin (storage hormone) that makes you fat and that is increased with rice.
In the absence of loads of fat. Rice is good b/c it provides energy evenly. Problem is, is that you arent walking everywhere or moving around constantly like an asian. Those peeps are always on the go (and on foot or bicycle). Americans are more apt to be sedentary throughout the day. A high carb, low fat diet does not help them.
The mixing food diets are sort of silly as well because it is a fancy way of just limiting your carbs (hence limiting calories as well).
Sort of a hybrid diet but no real fundamental reasoning that holds up although it will help somewhat.