New member
Do you guys think that close grip has a high carry over to normal bench? I havent done a "normal" flat bench in well over a month now, because I have been trying to bring up my weak points (I have been doing board presses, floor presses, lock outs, incline close, etc.) But tonight I had a good lift, and after my Me on floor press, I did some close grip bench (index right at the smooth) and I got 315lbs 5x. I have never done it 5x fresh, let alone following the floor press. My problem is: Im worried that with all the close and medium grip work I have been using, that when I go for a max using my normal grip (index on the ring) on the flat bench, that it will feel awkward and I may not push what I want. Ideally I should bench much more with my index on the rings then I should a close grip, being that the range of motion is cut down significantly as well as recruiting more muscles into the lift using a wider grip (ie. the lats). Has anyone found that all their close and medium grip work on assistance exercises did not have a very high carry over value to their competition/"normal" grip flat bench? Also if anyone has any suggestions I appreciate it. (I plan on trying for a new bench PR in about 2wks) Thanks!
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