How many regular pull ups do you think you would have to be able to do, before you could do a 1-arm pull up? Not that the 1-arm pull up would serve any purpose, im just curious like usual!
A one-arm pull up seems like such an akward movement because you wouldn't be pulling in line with your torso - the second you are off the ground, your center of gravity is gonna put you at a wierd angle...
It might actually look more like a rowing movement than a pulling movement... .i am trying to visulaize it .
A guy i used to lift with could get like 20 [allbeit sloppy reps] with 90 lbs. strapped to his waist. Now, whether or not they are sloppy, repping with an extra 90 ontop of his already 230 or so weight, is damn impressive. He couldn't do one handed pull up.
You would have to have a LOT of strength, and probably have to train in that specific area (ie do more one arm rows, and 1 arm pulldowns though ive never seen that done)
Or maybe do gravitron chins with one arm
Poliquin said in an old t-mag article that he saw a guy doing one arm chins with the other arm holding a 45 lb plate across his chest. I think he made that up but who knows, that would be a strong fucking dude.
hey if u mean one arm pull ups as in holding your wrist with 1 hand and pulling with the otehr i have seen many people do it who couldnt do to many pull ups. use a palm facing u grip and hold onto your wrist with the other hand. those are not to hard. and if u put the hand in front of your face it is some what centered. jsut my opinoin on how i have seen people do them. and most of those people could only do like 10 pull ups.