Of course he told you that - he's a moron. There is no such thing as bodybuilding pharmacology and nutrition 101 in medical school. They are educated, extensively, to treat stubborn 70+ year olds who are hopelessly attempting to undo a life of bad habits and nutritional patterns (usually with a cornucopia of medications - but we can't use anabolics, because that would be naughty, right?)
The point is, their laughable hysteria is baseless and senseless in every conceivable way. They use scare tactics, catch phrases, and grow more complacent in their condition of ignorance all the while, simply dismissing the possibility that ANYTHING exists outside of their classroom derived knowledge set.
I could easily offer a multitude of example and anecdotal evidence resembling a dissertation on this subject alone, but please suffice it to say that a medical doctor advocating nutritional requirements necessitated by trained dedicated athletes is akin to allowing Michal Moore to be in charge of security at a buffet line.