Often times when a muscle is tight and simply wont relax its due to ligament injury and weakness. If the ligament gets stretched and damaged the muscle has to contract just to keep proper tension that a normally non-crontacted muscle would. Over time the muscle knots up and causes pain, this is usually followed by anti-inflamatory meds like aleeve, ibuprofine etc and all of these prevent the inflamation in the ligament and hinder healing. Massage not only helps relax the muscle but also promotes blood flow to the injured area which in turn is beneficial to healing. It should heal on its own if you let it, use heat, not ice and avoid anti-inflamatories, if you need something for the pain stick to tylenol since it wont hamper inflamation and reduce healing. If you have had this problem for a long time and it just wont heal, prolotherapy maybe a good solution to your problem. It will cause direct inflamation on the injured ligament and promote healing.