Great Day!
This is my first day without taking jack3d in over 9 months. I was not expecting much. I went in today to do a bench workout, I took a single caffeine pill, as opposed to 4 scoops of jack3d.
10x3 250 90s rest
Thats 30 reps of 250lbs in 15 minutes. Never thought I would see the day. The first couple reps were erratic, but then my body settled into a rythm and I got into a consistent bar path every set. Felt great to finally do more than one working set on my bench.
Awesome, considering I only had a single caffeine pill as my preworkout.
Is anyone familiar with the Waterbury method? How should I progress, I feel like adding even just 5 lbs would be too much too handle. Do I shorten the rest or something? Maybe buy some 1.25 plates?