AMP 33-
Whatsup bro? Hows the training coming along? Overall I would say that your program looks pretty solid for the most part. I would definitely suggest modifying things a tad though. For example for chest your only doing 5 sets of one exericise. I would suggest maybe breaking that up into 2 exercises one with 3 sets and one with 2. For example flat db/bb presses, and flat db flyes or dips. I would also suggest doing the same for your delts breaking it up into a press with 3 sets and a lateral movement with 2 sets. Your tri workout looks good with a basic exercise just keep increasing the weights gradually.. also maybe try lying ext. from different angles (e.g.- incline, flat, decline).
Your forearm and ab routine looks solid, however, I would suggest putting forearms with back, traps, and bis rather than with chest, delts, and tris. And move calves over to chest, delt, and tri day.
For your back routine I would keep everything the same except change the order of exercises. I always recommend starting off with chins rather then barbell rows. Chins are a highly demanding exercise that require maximum recuperation to be performed correctly. Starting your routine off with chins will allow for the greatest results I think. Really hitting your lats hard with chins, then moving onto hammering your rhomboids with bentover rows. I always suggest Yates style rows but its up to you both are excellent back mass-builders. The one exercise that your forgetting thats #1 for back development is
heavy deads.. I never did them until around a year ago and my back has really exploded. Especially since I have been doing partial deadlifts. A GREAT trap and overall back builder. Maybe hit up 2 sets of heavy deads after chins and bb rows.
The db shrugs for your traps are a good choice I agree that theyre #1 for trap development. Your bicep routine looks good and so does your calf choices.
About hitting each bodypart twice a week give it a shot and see how you like it. I personally like it a LOT more. I have done 1x per week for a few years and after switching over to twice a week my body has really responded quite well. My strength has really gone up and I feel a lot better heading to the gym. DO NOT ever train a muscle when sore but as long as your not sore and your strength is still increasing I would stick with twice a week. ALWAYS do what works for you and only you can determine that.
I would drop the pressdowns on Thursday and stick to a freeweight exercise instead. I would also lower my total sets from 5 down to 2-3. Five is really too much in my opinion especially if your training each muscle group 2x a week. As a rule of thumb I wouldnt go over 18-20 TOTAL sets in any workout.
Good luck!!
My routine is similar to yours- it is as follows.. I take rest days whenever I am sore which is usually around 2-3 days a week or more and sometimes less it just depends.
day 1- back, traps, bis, forearms
chins 2 sets 6-8 reps
bentover ez-bar rows 4 sets 6-8 reps (alternating overhand/underhand grip)
partial deadlifts 2 sets 6-8 reps
db shrugs 2 sets 6-8 reps
dynamic bb shrugs 2 sets 6-8 reps (GREAT exercise)
close-grip bb preacher curls 2 sets 6-8 reps
incline alt. zottman curls 2 sets 6-8 reps
standing reverse bb curls 2 sets 6-8 reps
one-arm hangs from a chin-bar 3 sets to failure
2 giant sets of bb wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, etc.
day 2- chest, delts, tris
incline db presses 3 sets 6-8 reps
decline db presses 3 sets 6-8 reps
flat db flyes 2 sets 6-8 reps
seated db presses 3 sets 6-8 reps
one-db side-laterals 2 sets 6-8 reps
one-arm cable side-laterals 1 set 6-8 reps
incline ez-bar tricep ext. 2 sets 6-8 reps
decline db tricep ext. 2 sets 6-8 reps
overhead straight-bar cable ext. 2 sets 6-8 reps
day 3- calves, abs
seated calf raises 2 sets 10-15 reps
standing calf raises 2 sets 10-12 reps
leg press toe raises 2 sets 12-15 reps
hanging knee raises 2 sets 15-20 reps
seated leg tucks 2 sets 15-20 reps
cable crunches 2 sets 15-20 reps
My results so far have been PHENOMENAL!!
Ask more Qs bro if your confused.