Saturday: Arms
- Rope pressdowns- 4x25, 55lbs
- Overhead DB extensions- 3x10, 20lbs
- GIANT SET, 3x15- Straight bar pressdowns 90, 100lbs, skull crushers 50lbs, machine dips
- One arm underhand pressdowns- 4x15, 25lbs
- Standing cable curls- 4x25, 45lbs
- Alternating DB curls- 3x10, 30lbs
- GIANT SET, 2x15- Barbell curls 60lbs, machine curls 50lbs, incline curls 20lbs
- Concentration curls- 3x15, 20lbs
Followed by cardio. Workout and cardio were both done fasted...I liked it, I usually do cardio fasted but not weights. Just didn't wanna drive into town to the gym a hundred times a day