Even MORE unhealthy to tell complete lies
IF it is you, great job!
BTW, take time to stop and smell the roses. Take a joke once in a while...or even make one!
I made the silly comment to invoke laughter. If I can make one person laugh/day it makes my life that much better.
Nevertheless, allow me to explain the "silly" reply:
You seem to make alot of posts on dieting and how disciplined you are with your food intake. I applaud you for this strict self-discipline, it is required for true success not only in bodybuilding but ANYTHING one expects positive results from. BUT the avatar you sport looks like a typical "real" photo type avatar many use to show off their work. Nothing wrong with that at all, in fact I would encourage it. We all want a pat on the back for our hard work. Its just that the avatar doesnt exactly match the posts you make about your successful diet =)
Take it light man!