If you go to actual failure on your first working set, you'll never get as big as you can be. You need to end each exercise with the highest weight, even if you only get a few reps in or else your muscles never grow to adapt to heavier weight. Going to failure on every set is more of a cutting/carido exercise than a mass building one. Also, if I'm starting my chest exercise with the incline barbell and I go to failure on my last set there, my flat bench won't be too good, and those fibers won't get a comparable workout as the incline fibers.
The only time I do til failure is after I do my 5 sets of incline, 4 sets of flat bench and some fly's, I'll go to the dumbell incline, take 90-100s and go til I can't move anymore each set. Then your workout is done. Or when I isolate tris or bi's i'll go til failure.
But going to failure on exercise 1, set 1, you will never get equal building of your muscles because the other muscles won't get the same workout