I've read a ton of very, very useful information on this website. Thanks to all of you, and if I knew more of my stats I'd use the calculators to be more exact.
My goal is to drop about 100lbs of fat, while adding muscle. I do heavy lifting so my intention isn't to try and look skinny. I used to play football and after I stopped, I almost never did any cardio and because of body type this inactivity meant a lot of excess weight after some time.
A while ago an old trainer of mine made me a diet and along with the following, this is basically what I'm doing. Please tell me where I might improve.
- 4 Egg whites, with mushrooms, peppers and a bit of red onion. (is it ok to add 1 real egg)?
- Oatmeal with raisins and a touch of brown sugar, sometimes apples if I have time
- protein shake (lowest carb count I can find) or can of tuna
- 2 lean roast beef sandwiches (I make the roast beef myself, from a very lean piece of pot roast) with whole grain flax bread, and a little mustard
- I've been thinking of substituting the lean beef with two turkey burgers that I make myself, using the same bread.
*is this too much bread? One sandwich doesn't feel like enough.
Same snack as before
- Lean meat (like 2 chicken breasts), with steamed fresh brocolli (sometimes use chicken broth), peppers, and maybe a bit garlic and onion. Brown rice made with chicken broth
- Lean beef with a yam/sweet potato (how big should these be, some of them come pretty big), with a grilled portabelo mushroom and veggies.
At night, I might have an apple with a can of tuna (is all this mercury going to kill me)?.
I drink tons of water and Crystal Light. I take about 10 flax tablets (1000mg) a day, and 2 GNC Ultra Mega gold multivitamins. Should I start taking glucosamine again?
One final note, for all my cooking, I don't use butter or anything like. Usually PAM or a tiny bit of olive oil.
My most sincere apologies if I'm asking what has already been covered, but I really not to lose weight. It's simply embarrasing to be fat as hell. Luckily I have a big frame and some muscles so I don't look like a total slob, but this isn't cool at all. To be honest I never ate much junk food, just too many simple carbs, and food at the wrong times. I have zero problem not eating any bad food for very long periods of time.
Thanks for any advice.
My goal is to drop about 100lbs of fat, while adding muscle. I do heavy lifting so my intention isn't to try and look skinny. I used to play football and after I stopped, I almost never did any cardio and because of body type this inactivity meant a lot of excess weight after some time.
A while ago an old trainer of mine made me a diet and along with the following, this is basically what I'm doing. Please tell me where I might improve.
- 4 Egg whites, with mushrooms, peppers and a bit of red onion. (is it ok to add 1 real egg)?
- Oatmeal with raisins and a touch of brown sugar, sometimes apples if I have time
- protein shake (lowest carb count I can find) or can of tuna
- 2 lean roast beef sandwiches (I make the roast beef myself, from a very lean piece of pot roast) with whole grain flax bread, and a little mustard
- I've been thinking of substituting the lean beef with two turkey burgers that I make myself, using the same bread.
*is this too much bread? One sandwich doesn't feel like enough.
Same snack as before
- Lean meat (like 2 chicken breasts), with steamed fresh brocolli (sometimes use chicken broth), peppers, and maybe a bit garlic and onion. Brown rice made with chicken broth
- Lean beef with a yam/sweet potato (how big should these be, some of them come pretty big), with a grilled portabelo mushroom and veggies.
At night, I might have an apple with a can of tuna (is all this mercury going to kill me)?.
I drink tons of water and Crystal Light. I take about 10 flax tablets (1000mg) a day, and 2 GNC Ultra Mega gold multivitamins. Should I start taking glucosamine again?
One final note, for all my cooking, I don't use butter or anything like. Usually PAM or a tiny bit of olive oil.
My most sincere apologies if I'm asking what has already been covered, but I really not to lose weight. It's simply embarrasing to be fat as hell. Luckily I have a big frame and some muscles so I don't look like a total slob, but this isn't cool at all. To be honest I never ate much junk food, just too many simple carbs, and food at the wrong times. I have zero problem not eating any bad food for very long periods of time.
Thanks for any advice.