Excelleny Advice, thank you!
Ok, I am a total PAIN IN THE ASS when it comes to nutrition. I am ALLERGIC to Peanut butter, peanuts, walnuts (pretty much any nuts) Deathly allergic, can't even smell them. I am also allergic to soy, just figured that one out a few months ago. I can eat some things that have soy in them, but pure sources of soy I can't do. I am allergic to Tuna fish as well, I can do the canned chicken (thank Goodness!)
Last night I went over my diet with my husband. We have lots of shakes and stuff in our pantry.
I redesigned my diet. We measured out all the food I eat and added a meal replacement shake. Seems I wasn't getting enough Protein after all and not nearly enough calories!!! I tried to drink a protein shake last night and I had an allergy attack!

we read the ingredients, sure enough SOY!!! So, now I am on the search for a pure protein shake that has no soy. I have on here at work by Max Musle. it's called Maxpro. It doesn't seem to have any added soy! Great news!
This morning I had my 1 cup of oatmeal w/ 2 strawberries ( I didn't eat all my oatmeal, I got full!) Plus my 2 scoops of meal replacement shake mixed with water. I am STUFFED right now.
We decided my midmorning snack was good, except I need to add in another replacement shake for added protein. Soon as I make sure I can have this protein mix (I'll experiment at home, just in case I have a reaction, I don't want to be at work!) I will be having that instead of the meal replacement, less calories, & carbs! but loads of protein!
Lunch was good, don't need to add anything to that.
Afternoon (2:30) snack, I need to ditch those friggen goldfish!! ahhhh! I love those little suckers! and cheese. I thought about having some cottage cheese and some fruit? Would that be alright?
Then about 4:30 (i'm still at work by this time) we decided I needed a little something before we hit the gym, I thought about making a little turkey sandwich on whole wheat and eating 1/2 of it. I leave work at 5:00 then I get home around 6:00p.m. and we will go straight to the gym to work out. Figure we will spend about 2 1/2 hours total that includes lifting and 30 minutes of cardio. Then on my way out of the gym I will have my protein drink. MAYBE a small dinner, chicken breast and some brown rice and a veggie. That puts me eating dinner late, but it will be a VERY light meal. VERY LIGHT.
PHEW!!! That took a lot of planning, but like my husband says "Plan your work, and work your plan"!!!
All of the above comes out to be about 1700 calories. I have no idea how many calories I should be taking in, but it's seems to be balanced. I never really counted calories before.
Tonight we are going back to the GYM! YAY!! My husband decided to get back in there with me. I am kinda excited!
I should keep a journal! To my dismay I hoped on the scale again this morning and I weighed in at 180! ugghhh!!!! 2 pounds up from the weekend. Oh well. Like someone said, ditch the scale right!!!!????