You may want to look into sled pulling for your legs. This is something you can do on any parking lot or grassy area. If you are interested let me know.
I definately think SGt is on the right track with his advice. I also agree with a diet that is fairly consistent in the type of food eaten, but there are also a few suggestions I would make. I would remove the cottage cheese from the last meal and switch to an egg white, protein pancake or some protein and fibrous veg. No carbs this final meal. Sgt also suggested less shakes and more whole food - better all around. Best to wake up after fasting through the night to a whole food meal; egg whites, protein (lean meat) and oats or grapefruit (all in this meal). Next or 2nd meal as a shake (only), but 3-4 hrs after first. Need to give your metabolism time to rise, but not so long as for your insulin level to drop back down. You may be doing yourself less benefit with some of your food choices? Maybe something like this may make a difference.
Breakfast: egg white2, lean meat, grapefruit half or oatmeal
Meal 2: Shake (only) in water
Lunch: lean meat, fibrous veg (or salad), sweet potato
Meal 4: Shake (only)
If training - Post workout shake
Meal 5: lean meat, fibrous veg (or salad)
If you are at 220, I'm thinking lean meat somewhere in the 6oz at Breakf, 8oz lunch, 8oz dinner. 6-8 oz sweet potato lunch, 1 Cup on the fibrous veg, 2 Cup on salad (Oil & Vinegar) dressing like Newman's Own.
Your great on the water intake. Meals all 3-4hrs apart, very important on the timing. Think about your leg training though - it is where much of the body lean tissue is held. Boost the mass there and your metabolism will respond in kind. Also sled pulling is kick-ass cardio.
Good luck.