You are doing great for being all on your own. Don't get discouraged. Soon enough it will just click...keep asking questions and watching videos.
Do you have access to a reverse hyper at your gym?
I agree, lighten up those GM's and do them 100% right. This is not a move you want to mess with. Start totally upright with a slight bend in your knee. Then lean forward FROM THE HIP and only go down until you lose the arch in your back (your back should be arched tight from the get-go). When you start to lose the arch, come back up by thrusting your hips forward. When I say go down until you lose your arch, this may literally be only a few inches for now...and that's perfectly ok. Baby steps.
Do you have access to a reverse hyper at your gym?
I agree, lighten up those GM's and do them 100% right. This is not a move you want to mess with. Start totally upright with a slight bend in your knee. Then lean forward FROM THE HIP and only go down until you lose the arch in your back (your back should be arched tight from the get-go). When you start to lose the arch, come back up by thrusting your hips forward. When I say go down until you lose your arch, this may literally be only a few inches for now...and that's perfectly ok. Baby steps.