New member
I just started doing WSB this week. Several of the exercises, I have never done before. Since Exodus and I workout at separate gyms, he suggested that I video myself doing the exercises that I was unsure about.
Yesterday was ME Lower. I know that my form is off on the Good Mornings. I feel that I bent my knees too much and I didn't bend my back enough.
Please feel free to give me any kind of advice that you see fit. Just go easy on me; I'm a newb.
Right click and Save Target As
195 1RM Good Morning
145 Zercher's 3RM
Yesterday was ME Lower. I know that my form is off on the Good Mornings. I feel that I bent my knees too much and I didn't bend my back enough.
Please feel free to give me any kind of advice that you see fit. Just go easy on me; I'm a newb.
Right click and Save Target As
195 1RM Good Morning
145 Zercher's 3RM