If you watched the game and if you know the game you dont say Peyton sucks. he is the top1,2,3 QB in this league. Brady is one, Green is 2, Manning is three. Go luck at their numbers then try to argue.
Did Peyton cause James to fumble twice and once on the one yard line? Vanderpussy missed. Is it Peytons? faulthe got sacked by Mcginnis (OLINE blew that).
As a team the Colts out played them. They had a chance for 2 more TDs and a FG. It could have been :41-27 without 3 or 4 mistakes by the Colts as a team.
On a Side Note: Tom Brady is very cool under pressure and Bellicek is a damn good defensoive scheemer. He designed the blitz which sacked Manning on that 3rd down, and in the head set ordered the blitz through his DCoordinator.
Damn Good Game / Get off Peyton you are incorrect.