I was working out this morning, and something happened that made me think of this thread, so I thought I'd post. I know 3 guys that work out at my gym, actually I know them because I bounce at a club on the weekends and I made peace between them and some serious dudes who were gonna give them the beating of their life because of an incident involving the one kid and the one's guy's wife and an affair, but thats all I am saying, so anyway they kind of think I am their friend now, but they're harmless, they're like my honorary retarded little brothers.....Anyway, they were at the gym today with a hangover of course and doing lat pulldowns (no, I do not make this shit up!), and I was doing box squats off a 12" box, the one kid came up to me between his sets of lat pulldowns and said "Damn, why do you go so deep and pause on the box? That would make em harder, wouldn't it? you could prolly bang out 7 plates if you didn't go so deep". I told him he was a dildo and to finish his pulldowns (I tried helping them in the weight room before with some programs, they're not gonna listen, so i just fuck with them now)....anyway, even though they're only about 2 or 3 years younger than me, I just don't know about kids these days.....NO WORK ETHIC!!! LOL......anybody else with some stories???