Debaser said:
There are trainees from all levels of experience. HST has a top level german bodybuilder supporting it, but you have to consider that HST hasn't been around for a long time. DC has trained regular joes as well as [I believe] high level amateurs, not sure about pros. But does it matter? You have to have the genetics to be a pro.
Ok...I just disagree with it. You say 'you have to have the genetics to be a pro'...then that puts a lot of demphasis on the training program. I just really do not know ANY bodybuilders who completely train this way. From what I am has worked for a select few (under DC's trained eye) but I don't see the top level bodybuilders or even the top level amateur bodybuilders using this method. That alone speaks volumes to me.
I can see the benefit of doing a routine like this for 1-2 weeks...maybe 2-3x per year. I just don't see the point of doing it for ANY extended period of time (more than 2 weeks). I can also see some benefit for the beginner...but I also see nearly as much negatives about the beginner using this type of routine...
B True