I read over your info on Bigguns15's website, all I can say is a lot more thurough and convincing than the DC info... (lots of people, or I helped some non-descript guy gain 47 pounds-though he was pretty small to start) Nicely done.
Sure maybe a few more controls could be thrown in, but a good model to use and base other studies off of...
I know it would be hard to get people to adhere to something new and to follow a program they otherwise would not. Anyway, if you guys can get some more recruits, I would be in (I am not the most advanced in the world, but I think I could qualify as a good test subject)
It is funny that us with the "dinosaur" methods are more willing to put it to the test...
Debaser and Louden- Not ripping on your methods, like I said many times, I agree in theory 100%, but I would like to see something a little more convincing as far as evidence....Bigguns15's website at least took a step on that side....