The Red Dragon
New member
I've been stuck with having 2 25 plates on both sides for the 5x5 system...well 25 plus 2.5/5 plates (moving onto 35s) but it's been very very slow. And seeing as I'm 4 months into my workout regime, its very disappointing. However, I got this powerlifter to show me how to bench properly...or the powerlifting way (leg drive, arched back, rolled shoulders, area between index and middle finger touching the ring) and I ended up benching 135 for 2 reps...he was spotting me, but I think I stopped too early, I probably could have done 3-5 of them...He said when he was spotting me, his hands weren't actually on the bar and that I did all the work. But when I actually tried to lift 45's alone I have no confidence in my ability to press it. So I guess I found my reason as to why my bench has been stagnating the past few months. I'm afraid of the weight