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The Red Dragon said:So I guess I found my reason as to why my bench has been stagnating the past few months. I'm afraid of the weight.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself- Winston Churchill
Try to look past the weight. Don't think about the number try to think about the goal; getting stronger. I used to have a huge mental block about lifting in highschool. Then we started this program using pieces of wrestling mat for board presses. You would start with three and work down to one and increase your weight each time. then we would attempt a blind max where you would sit on the end of the bench and your spotter(s) would load the bar. When you laid back all you can see is the inner 45 so you don't know how much weight is on there. Well to make a long story short the first time I ever tried that my bench went from 270 to 305 and it was easy. I had the strength all along I was just intimidated to use it.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.