New member
I have my diet,training plan and cardio in multiple forums here but shit is just out of control. I did what I was instructed to do and all I got was more run down weight loss. Ive got 50 fucking pounds to lose. Unlimited gear...but everyone is telling me to get off. Ive been off test for 2 weeks waiting on it...on tren ace eod for 2 weeks. Hgh 4iu before bed. I feel bloated,my midsection is huge,im always shitting...4 times since midnight!!???? Wtf? And im barely clearing 2500 cals...what tge hell is happening to me? 1 week ago im 256.7lbs down to 254 2 days ago now im 257!!!! I h av ent cheated,im doing cardio and im training my ass off. Am I experiencing thyroid problems? Adrenal failure? Low test? Im a mess and shouldnt be....seriously help me!