dullboy said:dullboy is always stunned by how open you are about past relationship "issues". most guys resist being so frank. dullboy respects you the nth degree for your forthrightness.
dullboy is a little older than you and would just like say that most women are suprisingly loyal to men. you seem to have had some bad experiences, but these situations tend to be more controlled by you than your sig other.
meaning that if you treat a girl "right", the odds are greatly in your favor that she'll remain loyal. treating a woman "right" doen't equal weakness. it just means being a good guy.
the issue that you need to be careful about is preemption. meaning that if you always conclude that a girl will cheat on you (based on past experience), you may take on self fufilling behavior that enables the girl to justify being unfaithfull to you.
Dullboy makes good points
I beleive that alot of my past relationships have been based on the archeatypes from my dad and his wives(6 of them). they were all gorgeous, and all emotionally fucked up. so growing up I ALWAYS was told how "women are unfaithful", "dont trust women"...etc.. i beleive this indoctrination went unoticed by me for a long time so in order to play out the exact things i DID NOT want to ahppen to me(i.e. what happened to my father) i have attracted the same type of women.
Interestingly enough i just came upon this relaization and have taken ownership for it very recently(like 2 months ago)