New member
Hey sweettea, sorry for the short anwere the other day was time strapped.
What I think you need and will want to do is fucus your squats on simply raw power. So what you should be doing is a typical power lifting type of squat.
You will want the bar lower on your traps, like on where the tops of your shoulder blades are. You will use a wider then shoulder stance. I will try to find a link for you so that you can see the diff.
But anyway this is what is gonna give you a nice round ass and a nice strong sexy body!
When your coming up to the top of the squat you pinch your cheeks together, that activates glutes. After awhile it will just happen by itself.
Ok found a gr8 link for you sweettea,
The first pic says it all this is the perfect squat positon in the hole. Pay attention to how wide he grips the bbl and to how wide his feet are spread out. That is whree you wanna be sista!
For your lighter weights keep the weight over the middle of your foot and the same for wam ups. When you move on to heavier weights then center the weight over your heels.
Thanks zed!! I really appreciate the info! I will look it over tonight.