I like the looks of that routine, but it looks more advanced. Have you ever done the 3x5? I really want to stick with the above, just add or take out a few things because the 3x5 works great for me.
It is linear progression. There is no advanced way in linear progression. It is basic and gay. There are like 10000000000 5x5 type routines out there. This whole 3x5 kick is silly. What difference does 3x5 or 5x5 make or why do 5x5 and not 4x6?
Firstly, you are using multiple types of single progression here in that it is not a one-size-fits-all plug-in program. You have to think on your own (perhaps thats why you don't like it?).
1.) Deadlifts are done 3x3 ramped with every 5th week being a Squat rep max day.
2.) 1,2,3,4 or 5RM days are to gauge progress. Why would anyone be opposed to lifting heavier weight? You wanna get strong but not lift heavy? I don't get it...
3.) Volume Day is to basically do higher volume at a relatively greater intensity. 5x5 seems to fit the route but you could do 4x6 or 6x4 if you liked.
the faults with your program:
1.) Warm-up sucks
2.) You have 5 big exercises on your heavy day. That day is meant for the heavy movers because of the sheer amount of rest/ramp-up your need to get to the heavy weights. Doing heavy Deadlifts after Back Squats is a huge drawback. Doing Push Presses before Deadlifts is even worse because it strains your lower back. Add to that you are doing 30-40 chins plus dips. Overkill. WAY too much volume. One of two things will happen. You will either get weaker because you won't be able to progress for more than 3-4 weeks or you will end up hurting yourself due to the lack of fatigue distribution.
3.) Your light day has you doing 2 exercises balls to the wall and that to back to back with both involving your hips. RDLs for 1x5 is not a good idea because the purpose of RDLs is to strengthen your lower back tolerance and improve hamstring strength. Doing 1x5 is risking an injury or not really utilizing the exercise for the full potential it has. Plus, before that you are doing Back Squats (again?) for 1x5 using 90% of your max? That makes it way too intense and I doubt you can do 5 reps with 90% of your max....or if you can, as you get stronger this will not be the case.
4.) Medium day is another overkill. Too many exercises.
5.) Lack of exercise variety.
6.) Lack on injury prevention lifts like single limb training. You don't have to focus on this but you have none of them.
7.) You need to do abs every workout day. Heavy weighted abdominal exercises and crunches and shit don't count because they hit your hip flexors more than your abs. Try out renegade rows (I hear Josh and T-Block are huge fans of them

) and planks, etc..
8.) Inappropriate distribution of fatigue. The reason why 5x5 style programs are designed the way they are is to distribute fatigue across the whole week. How is your training achieving that?
These are my thoughts off the top of my head.