Back after a 6 month layoff. 3 of the 6 months were planned because of a very small tear near my belly button. Healed as much as its going to. But I cant get it fixed til the end of the year anyhow. Also to give my beat up shoulders a rest and let some seriously pulled obliques heal. The last 3 months just happened. Fat lazy and worthless time off.
Anyways...I put together a split to start with til everything gets used to weight and working again then I'll get a bit more hard-core. Goals are cutting first off, and staying injury free. Going to do lots of sets, lots of reps, lighter weights (so to speak).
Mon: Flat DB
Incline BB smith
Smith Military
Close grip Flat BB
Dip Machine
Press Downs
Tues: Bent over BB rows
Close grip palms in pull downs
rack pulls
Straight bar curls
Standing DB curls
reverse grip wide grip cabber bar curls
Wed: Legs , Leg press
standing ham curls
abdomen permitting, Squats instead of leg press.
Thurs: OFF
Fri: OFF
Sat: Deads
Clean and press
Sun: Off
The only dilemma I am having is friday/saturday. Whether to leave it, or switch days. Also thought of doing saturday on thursday instead and taking fri/sat off then repeat.
Anyways...I put together a split to start with til everything gets used to weight and working again then I'll get a bit more hard-core. Goals are cutting first off, and staying injury free. Going to do lots of sets, lots of reps, lighter weights (so to speak).
Mon: Flat DB
Incline BB smith
Smith Military
Close grip Flat BB
Dip Machine
Press Downs
Tues: Bent over BB rows
Close grip palms in pull downs
rack pulls
Straight bar curls
Standing DB curls
reverse grip wide grip cabber bar curls
Wed: Legs , Leg press
standing ham curls
abdomen permitting, Squats instead of leg press.
Thurs: OFF
Fri: OFF
Sat: Deads
Clean and press
Sun: Off
The only dilemma I am having is friday/saturday. Whether to leave it, or switch days. Also thought of doing saturday on thursday instead and taking fri/sat off then repeat.