Cornholio: First of all, this is NOT a personal attack towards you, I just disagree with the principles of the workout routine that you have suggested and supported. I feel that any program that supposedly will work for short time...should either work for a longer period of time or one is JUST growing because it is something different. I can NOT just go in the gym and do a light set of 7-9 reps.
Stiff legged deadlifts...a set of 7-9 reps? I am using 365-405 for a set like this...and I am expected to even recover in two days? No way. My hams would still be sore, from a balls to the wall set of stiff legs...and that would keep me from doing squats on another day...which would get me sore enough not to be able to deadlift two days later. This program can be done if you are not training with much intensity.
Volume, in one way or another, builds muscle and strength. With that given level of volume comes the intensity factor. If those factors are low enough...I could do this routine and so could someone else and be ok for a few weeks...but who wants to go in the gym and train with a low volume of intensity? I could not.
"I think you are using faulty logic. Typical powerlifter approach to gaining weight LOL! Those guys gained LEAN mass, I think the most % of bodyfat that was gained was like 2%."
-----Typical powerlifter approach? How so? Are you saying that I am not lean? I am 285lbs and have a very good sign of abs. I have met Happy in person and can tell you from personal experience that he needs to gain bodyfat. He is too lean to grow. You can not grow when you are ripped, not at all.
"Again you equate "big" with smart about working out and that is a huge mistake. If those guys gained 5-7% of their overall body weigh - what do you think a "bigger" guy like you would gain??"
-----Now I am not smart? Hmmm...well, I did grow from 152lbs to 305lbs in 7 years of hard and heavy weigth training completely natural. Dumb big guy luck? What would I gain? Very little. You can not tell me that training each bodypart 3x a week is going to give me better results than a few all out sets of balls to the wall reps.
"You state that Fro needs more recoup time. 4 days per week off is not enough?? How many days does he need off. And please, don't tell me that it is too many sets of work at each workout. After warmups, you are looking at 12-15 sets spread out on the entire body. After reading your Sunday routine - you did more than that for low back/spinal errectors during ONE workout. No wonder it takes you 3 days to recover from that. I would be dead."
-----Fro's chest only gets 4 days of rest each week. His back only gets 4 days of rest as well as his legs and the rest of his body. That means that it is being worked every other day...not even 72 hours of rest. I didn't say that he did too many set either...but I ONLY did one set "after warmups" of deadlifts and three sets of light goodmornings. My events were basically cardio also...nothing very heavy. I did more for my lower back/spinal erectors? I did one set of deads and three sets of goodmornings? How is this high volume? It wasn' was very high intensity!!!
"Antone can look at a routine and find one or five flaws in it. This is not meant for year-round training. 2 to 3 times thru this program a year is plenty. Agin - this program is far superior to a body-part-per-day training for recoverability. 30-40 sets per week as opposed to 75 sets per week. (5 days at 15 sets)"
-----I agree with you here for the most part. Anyone can find flaws in their routine. As I find flaws in mine, from better competitors, I change and modify my routine. I learn from those bigger and better than I am...the top of the line...the best.
"Remember - it's always kidney day. Meaning systematic recoverability is far more important than individual muscle group recoverability. This program allows the vody to catch up from overtraining which, allong with too few calories, is the biggest bane to progress."
-----This program allows the body to catch up from overtraining? How can I not overtrain if I train each body part 3x a week? I am constantly being broken down?
Once again, Cornholio...please do not take offense to these posts. I just do not understand nor do I see the fully explainable rationale behind this schedule. I do hope that you can take the time to explain this to me...maybe in person this weekend? I do hope that we are still getting together on Saturday.
B True