I have been doing 1 on 1 off for about 8 weeks looking for a change. Chest/Bi's, Back/Hams/Calves, Shoulders/Tri's, Quads/Calves. Lows volume but pretty High intensity. Check these new routines out and see what you guys think will work or gaining strength and mass.
Workout #1
Day 1
Sumo deadlifts
Incline bench press
Isolated rows on hammer strength equipment Reverse shrugs
Dumbell shoulder press
Day 2
Front squats/hack squats
Standing calf raises
Good mornings
Close grip flat bench press
Dips - weighted
Push ups
Day 3
Romanian deads
Flat bench press
Barbell rows
barbell curls
wrist curls
Workout #2
Squats 2x7-9
Leg extension 1x7-9
Stiff-legged deadlifts 1x7-9
leg curls 1x7-9
Bench Presses 2x7-9
Flat Bench Flyes 1x7-9
Incline dumbbell presses 2x7-9
Chins or Pulldowns 2x7-9
Bent over Rows 2x7-9
Military presses 2x7-9
Dumbbell upright rows 2x7-9
Deadlifts 2x7-9
Standing calf raises 2x12-18
Barbell curls 2x7-9
Lying triceps extensions 2x7-9
Wrist curls 1x7-9
Shrugs 2x10-12
Crunches 2x12-18
Squats 2x7-9
Leg extensions 1x7-9
Leg curls 2x7-9
Seated calf raises 2x12-18
Bench presses 2x7-9
Flat-bench flyes 1x7-9
Incline dumbbell presses 2x7-9
Chins or Pulldowns 2x7-9
Bent over Rows 2x7-9
Behind-the-neck presses 2x7-9
Lateral raises 2x7-9
Workout #3
Any other routine I am overlooking that looks like these or should I stick with my old one and revamp it to a 3 day.
Thanks for any imput you can give me.
Workout #1
Day 1
Sumo deadlifts
Incline bench press
Isolated rows on hammer strength equipment Reverse shrugs
Dumbell shoulder press
Day 2
Front squats/hack squats
Standing calf raises
Good mornings
Close grip flat bench press
Dips - weighted
Push ups
Day 3
Romanian deads
Flat bench press
Barbell rows
barbell curls
wrist curls
Workout #2
Squats 2x7-9
Leg extension 1x7-9
Stiff-legged deadlifts 1x7-9
leg curls 1x7-9
Bench Presses 2x7-9
Flat Bench Flyes 1x7-9
Incline dumbbell presses 2x7-9
Chins or Pulldowns 2x7-9
Bent over Rows 2x7-9
Military presses 2x7-9
Dumbbell upright rows 2x7-9
Deadlifts 2x7-9
Standing calf raises 2x12-18
Barbell curls 2x7-9
Lying triceps extensions 2x7-9
Wrist curls 1x7-9
Shrugs 2x10-12
Crunches 2x12-18
Squats 2x7-9
Leg extensions 1x7-9
Leg curls 2x7-9
Seated calf raises 2x12-18
Bench presses 2x7-9
Flat-bench flyes 1x7-9
Incline dumbbell presses 2x7-9
Chins or Pulldowns 2x7-9
Bent over Rows 2x7-9
Behind-the-neck presses 2x7-9
Lateral raises 2x7-9
Workout #3
Any other routine I am overlooking that looks like these or should I stick with my old one and revamp it to a 3 day.
Thanks for any imput you can give me.