New member
I am currently on a Sus only cycle. I've been taking 500mg every week, for 2 months, and my gains have been nice and lean. I am about to add 3 months worth of D-bol to Sus, then I will bridge with Primo, and Clomid (to get my nads working again. Can I add Winny to the Primo, or will this hinder my reinstitution of natural test levels?
Thanks in Advance,
Oh, stats............
2 months ago, 375lb, now 350lbs, bodyfaty dropped from 18% down to 15%. I'm 6ft 7 in tall, and I want to keep growing, and growing, and growing,........then next spring , I'm trying out for the WWF.
Thanks in Advance,
Oh, stats............
2 months ago, 375lb, now 350lbs, bodyfaty dropped from 18% down to 15%. I'm 6ft 7 in tall, and I want to keep growing, and growing, and growing,........then next spring , I'm trying out for the WWF.