Thanks for reading a "noobs" post. I'm 49, 6" and 204 with 19%BF. My pic is better thank my stats and I'm hiding my middle LOL. I've been on TRT for two years 100mg per week with HCG and no PCT. It has helped with mass and some bulk but have a hard time getting BF% down and Test C makes me retain water. I am also on and AI as well. I train about 4-5 days a week consisting of an hour of resistance training and little cardio (about 5-10 min twice a week as a warmup / cool down). I've been advised a diet of 1700 (too low in my opinion) and 2500 (too high?). Most recent was to calculate 1g per lb of protein and carbs and .5 per lb on good fats with no max-min. Probably my biggest crime is not giving it enough time on the diet. I comit heavy on the workout but vasolate on the diet. I feel like age and nature are starting to fight against me. My doc will not consider or offer another or alternative testosterone and to simply drink more water for the water weight.
Advise from some of the champs on here please?
Advise from some of the champs on here please?