Day 5 - 25-25-25mg morning, noon, and afternoon. will do 25mg more in the evening.
Decided im not going 5 days on and 2 days off, so far i have no vision sides at 100mg per day, so i will keep taking until it effects my vision, then i will adjust or temporarily stop dose from there.
Today I was tired so i just did dumbbell curls at home and i used drop sets, i have a new 50 lbs dumbbell ive only worked out with 2 times, mainly because i can barely do 6-8 reps, with the 6-7 and 8 reps being with very bad form. after just 9-10 days of buying this dumbbell, i did drop sets 4x8 from 60 lbs to 20 lbs for with each arm!
and ive already hit biceps hard directly once this week, and indirectly twice. muscular endurance is up, but nothing that some creatine couldn't do. strength seems to be through the roof considering 1 set of 50 lbs was barely feasible 2 weeks ago. and even while pretty tired i pumped out 2 solid drop sets before my technique started to falter close to the 7th and 8th rep on the last 2 sets using the heavier weight. So from going to pretty much not being able to use this dumbbell, to drop setting it with 0 rest for 4 full sets, is nothing short of amazing in my opinion.
my cardio seems to be effected to a greater extent than the endurance of my muscles alone, i dont breathe as nearly as hard or as heavy as before, and i recover much faster than ever before. this might be why my strength increased so much.
i am also coming right off a tendon injury in my right shoulder. the s-4 has seemed to make it much easier to workout my upperbody with heavier weight and less pain. but i am also 4 months into my recovery with almost 2 full months of not lifting upperbody due to the pain. either way the results are nothing less than great. i was worried my product wouldnt be good quality cause of were i ordered it, boy was i wrong.
if real aas are even more powerful than this, i could never touch them, im sure ill become so addicted i will never want to come off.
also, the feelings of well being and confidence have faded VERY significantly, i almost cant tell they are there anymore. so at this point i feel as if the abuse potential i previously mentioned is probably close to none since this feeling doesnt last forever.